Monday, February 28, 2011

I Am Grateful Today!

Yes, I am grateful today! I had just had a conversation with God earlier today asking why in 3 years of being on Etsy I had not sold one dang thing! I just asked that my work be covered in light and love and attract people who want to buy my creations. And guess what? I checked my Etsy a little while ago and I had made my first sale!!!! Yea!

Being grateful is a magical thing. The more grateful you are for what you have the more you receive...or so it seems.

The piece I sold was called "Bow in Prayer" - a Tibetan brass pendant accented in red crystals. Not a coincidence. It was a God thing...he threw me a bone so that I would not get discouraged. I am very, very joyful for the opportunity to sell my creative work to the world. It was a gift given me by God and I don't want to hide it or be ashamed of it thinking I am not good enough.

Yes, there are amazing artists out there - way better than me - but that does not in any way reduce the value or quality of my pieces...they are made with heart and spirit and that may be what makes my work draw people in.

Have a grateful and gratitude filled day!
Healing Blessings!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Win a Free Pair of Chakra Earrings!

Dear Customers,

I need your help. I'd like your thoughts on a new line of jewelry I am creating...The Chakra Collection. I've been thinking about this concept for a few years now. I am in the process of designing pieces that will help in the healing and balancing of the 7 major energy centers of the body.

For those of you not familiar with the chakra system, here are the names of the 7 major chakras:

Chakra 1: Base Chakra - located a the bottom of the spine (butt bone area)
Chakra 2: Sacral Chakra - located between the belly button and pubic bone
Chakra 3: Solar Plexus - located above the belly button and below the sternum
Chakra 4: Heart Chakra - located in the center of the chest
Chakra 5: Throat Chakra - located in the throat area
Chakra 6: Third Eye Chakra - located between the brows on the forehead
Chakra 7: Crown Chakra - located at the top of the head near the center

Each of these energy centers has an effect on the 5 layers of the body...including the physical and emotional bodies. When these centers are blocked, constricted, flowing the wrong way, too may experience physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances in your life.

Through different energetic healing modalities, including the use of natural stones and crystals, you can bring these energy centers back in balance.

Given that the intention of my jewelry is for healing purposes and that I already use the energies of the stones in my designs, I want to know what my customers are wanting such as simple every day wear designs or more elaborate and bold designs in this line? Are you wanting a combination of stones to balance all the chakras? Are you interested in having your own custom chakra piece designed to meet your specific needs? Your feedback and thoughts are greatly appreciated. I want to give my customers what they will love to wear.

I will read all comments this week and put all those who comment into a drawing to win a FREE pair of earrings from the Chakra Collection on Friday, March 4th. If you win, your name will be posted at the bottom of this post. Please leave your phone number or email in the comments sections so that I can contact you if you win!

Good luck and send me your thoughts!!!

Healing Blessings!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jewelry with a Healing Purpose

Hello everyone!

This idea of jewelry having a healing effect may be new to some or most of you. Well, most jewelry does not. If you bought a nice little fashion piece from TJ Max, Target, are wearing the energy of the little child labor child or poor tired low paid artisan who made it. Or you may be wearing a piece that was mass produced in China or India for some big name designer who could care less if the piece is healing to you or not as long as they see profits in the bank. All that is fine and dandy...just a part of living in a materialistic and capitalistic society. What

However, you do have a choice. You can choose to wear artistic pieces created with the intention of love, healing, and light for the wearer. That's where a unique jewelry artisan and designer like me comes in. I create my pieces from states of meditation and prayer. I respect the visions I receive when I am designing a piece for a customer. I put a sincere energy of love and light into each piece. These creations come from my heart and from my spirit.

And my customers and wearers actually FEEL it when they wear one of my pieces. They can feel the peace, the love, the light, the harmony, the calmness....whatever it is they were needing is infused into each piece. I have had customers who slept with one of my pieces under their pillow because it helped them sleep more peacefully. I have had wearers share their special pieces with friends who were needing some healing light in their life at that moment.

You don't have to believe me. Just have a custom piece made and you will find out for yourself how it feels to wear one of my sacred pieces of art.

Give me a call and we can get started on your special piece or a piece for a loved one as soon as possible.

Many blessings!
Circle of Stones Jewelry
Linda Galvan, Metaphysical Artisan and Designer

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Valentine's Jewelry Show!

Hey gals and guys who love to adorn yourselves with jewelry!

I am having another jewelry show to celebrate Valentine's Day because I LUV Valentine's Day! Why do I love it's MY BIRTHDAY! I know I was born on a special day so I celebrate it! Join me in my celebrations and purchase something special for yourself on this day. Or send that "hunk 'o burning love of yours" and I will help him pick out something you will love.

This time it will be held in Round Rock, Texas at Olivia's Salon...just a few blocks off Main Street.
411 Lampasas, Round Rock, TX 78664 from 10AM to 1PM.

If you bring a friend, you and your friend will receive 15% off your most expensive item. Now that's a deal!

I also love hosting private showings for my if you are interested in having a show at your home, your office, a coffee shop, a Ladies Night, me and let's set up a date. You will receive a FREE custom piece as a thank you for hosting or 10% of sales to go towards the purchase of any jewelry of your choice.

My speciality is creating custom pieces for my clients. If you are needing a special design for a certain occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc. - contact me and let's discuss the beautiful creative possibilities.

All my pieces are created with healing intentions and infused with light and love.

Healing Blessings!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine's Day Jewelry Show 2011

Dear Friends and Loyal Customers,

I am excited to announce my first private showing of 2011. Please join Circle of Stones Jewelry on Sunday, February 6th from 2PM -5PM for Valentine's Day Jewelry shopping! Stop by any time between 2PM and 5PM...come and go as you please.

5325 Hanging Cliff Cove
Austin, TX 78759

Who doesn't love jewelry for Valentine's Day? Bring your girlfriends and your hubby. I will help your guy pick out something very special for you. Or you can just drop me a hint and I will direct him to what you want. We know the drill girls, right? LOL!

You may even win a DOOR PRIZE - FREE JEWELRY!!!

If you are new to Circle of Stones Jewelry, add your email to the e-list to receive notices of future jewelry shows, etsy specials, etc.

For 2011, I plan to take my jewelry business to the next level. I actually quit my day job in December 2010...the stress was killing me and my little daughter was missing her tired mommy who was at work all the time! It was time for a change. Time to step into making my dreams of working for myself a reality.

So, I am seriously needing all of you wonderful customers to host private showings for your friends and let people know about my custom work. I hope to make this business one that can sustain me and my daughter while at the same time bringing joy and healing to all who wear my pieces.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

Healing Blessings!
Linda Galvan