This beautiful creature is my one and only "butterfly princess." Her name is Asha which is an ancient Sanskrit name meaning hope and/or truth. She is 4 years and 8 months old going on 15! She loves all things that "sparkle." She even has a cat named Sparkle and a turtle named Flower. She really knows how to name her pets. She loves beading, tiaras, crowns, princess dresses and collecting natural stones, crystals, and oracle cards. She currently has her own Hawaiian Oracle Card Deck. She is always requesting custom pieces be made for her. I am currently designing a special piece to honor the preciousness of this magnificent soul which I will name Asha's Butterfly Dreams. Visit often or subscribe to this blog so that you can be one of the first to view and purchase this limited edition piece. It should be ready within the next week!
If you have a precious one in your life and would like a special piece designed exclusively for her or him, please contact me. I LOVE designing sweet little things for children. They are just so PRECIOUS!
I can't help it. I am a pre-school teacher at the moment at my daughter's school - The Greenwood School. I just love my little "Rose Garden" bloomers! They are all between 18 months and about 2.5 years old - little wee ones...but quite wise for their age. You would be surprised what they know and what can come out of their little mouths. They are so funny and just so sweet and naughty! I love it! Working with these wee ones just heals my inner child!
Share stories of your wee ones in the comments section of this post. I would love to hear about your precious ones.
Healing Blessings to your inner child!
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