Monday, March 28, 2011

Seeing Old Friends

At the Holistic Fair this last Saturday, I was so surprised to see a friend I had not seen in years! She received my email and came out to visit! It made my heart so happy! Then later I saw another friend I had not seen in many months...a fellow Hilde Girl who is not in our current session. It was great to catch up with her as well. Then I saw another Hilde Sis that came by.

Although doing shows, fairs, and events can be SO is so incredibly nice when friends show up to give their support. Makes the whole day so worth it! Truly!

It's really not about the sales or the traffic you receive at your booth, but about the friends you make and the friends that come by to support you as you build your dream. I have met so many nice people over the years as I have been doing my business. That is what counts! The connections and the relationships you build along the way.

And today, a close friend invited me over to show my jewelry to her in-laws who were visiting from Arkansas. We had a wonderful time! And they even invited me to stay with them if I come up to do a show in October!

This is what I am talking about! The loving connections are what make a business grow.

Here's to friends and loving, supportive customers! YOU ROCK!!!

Healing Blessings!

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